Monday, July 31, 2006


When I called you
You were there.
And you gave me joy.
Are you still there my love?
Or are you in France? :)
Oh my love
But wait...
ARE you Ginger?
Or were you just hungry?
Who are you?
I'm walking in the horse field.
I try not to step on IT.
But it's hard when I am back from London.
I can not see anything.
Damn it!
When I called you
you were there.
And you gave me joy.
Are you still there my love?
Eun Cho
P.S. This romantice poem has a copyright. Of course you need a permission to use this.
(Plus the picture. The model was quite expensive you know)
I advise you to contact Miss Cho for this.
Please leave a message in comment area.
Thank you.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Home sweet home.

I tried a photo shoothing myself with my high-tech Mobile phone :)
This is how I look at the moment with my curly hair. (Kate! Do you remember I really liked your hair style and now I somehow tried :)) I was not feeling well when I woke up so I was awoke but still in bed. And finally after midday I started to eat and now I'm in front of the computer. Silly me when I'm on the computer I open my picture file of England and just can not close it. Thinking of the times we had together. But still here I am facing the situation, suffering.
This coming saturday I'm going to Seoul for a day and there I'll meet my friends and have some fun together. There is this camp in our youth group and I found out just yesterday. I'm considering and maybe I'll join them. But I'm not so sure about it yet. I am planning to teach English for a week as well. It is nothing really big deal since those kids are really poor at English. I can manage this case. I hope they ask me less questions. :)
Next week I'll go for a holiday with my family and the next week I'll move to Seoul and start studying. And then it's gonna be busy and busy. But for now I'm just gonna lay back and enjoy my time. :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


What a nice picture! By the way where's Renaud? do you remember? We couldn't find him. :) So there you go he is missing.
It was not so long since you guys arrived. I was so happy. SO HAPPY. Many new faces.
All of them left and I was alone for 3 days in 475. In hwa was alone for a week in 508. We were so lonely. But my star Heike started to come and I was just so happy to see her. You just cannnot imagine how happy I was. I was standing in front of the board and checking eveyday who's coming or searching for 'V/H' mark. Also I didn't forgot to check the diary in the reception.
And now we all left each other and well... I know how much we miss each other. I miss you all and really do hope that we could see each other soon. We can not go back to the past but still we can have a reunion and make another fantastic memory.
Exciting right?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ellel ministries

This was part of the voluntary helpers in Ellel. I would like to introduce them to you.
From left to right Krizta (Hungary), Benni (Germnay), Jason (walesh), Tabitha (Burkina Faso), Me, Jens (Germany). The place of the picture is what we call 'wash up area'.

Infact I had quite a hard time there and the work was much harder than I thought. But I have leared a lot from the work and also from the relationships. Quite challenging, though.

I miss them so much.

P.S. Guys, you are in my mind and I'm thinking of you. Way to go!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My love London

Well for the first picture on my blog I chose this. Flo took it for me but I didn't realized it's meaning and now I see this picture and found out how I actually enjoyed the night in London.
Lovely! Fantastic! Super! :)

To be updated with you.

I thought of making a blog so that I could keep in touch with you and to be up dated with you. To tell my story and to read your story as well. I'm excited and looking forward to it.