Monday, July 31, 2006


When I called you
You were there.
And you gave me joy.
Are you still there my love?
Or are you in France? :)
Oh my love
But wait...
ARE you Ginger?
Or were you just hungry?
Who are you?
I'm walking in the horse field.
I try not to step on IT.
But it's hard when I am back from London.
I can not see anything.
Damn it!
When I called you
you were there.
And you gave me joy.
Are you still there my love?
Eun Cho
P.S. This romantice poem has a copyright. Of course you need a permission to use this.
(Plus the picture. The model was quite expensive you know)
I advise you to contact Miss Cho for this.
Please leave a message in comment area.
Thank you.


Saila said...

oh my goodness eun...
that is just too good to be true, you are so talented, you know?!!?
and the model in the picture, where did you get her from?
please give me her phone number, I need it..
Have a nice day!

HanSarangEun said...

Yes saila.
I was inspired by ginger and I am happy to make it out as a poem.
I almost cried as I finished. It was just too much for me.
But yes... I did it and I'm quite happy with it. :)
Forget about the model. I fired her becuase she was insane. :)