Wednesday, July 26, 2006


What a nice picture! By the way where's Renaud? do you remember? We couldn't find him. :) So there you go he is missing.
It was not so long since you guys arrived. I was so happy. SO HAPPY. Many new faces.
All of them left and I was alone for 3 days in 475. In hwa was alone for a week in 508. We were so lonely. But my star Heike started to come and I was just so happy to see her. You just cannnot imagine how happy I was. I was standing in front of the board and checking eveyday who's coming or searching for 'V/H' mark. Also I didn't forgot to check the diary in the reception.
And now we all left each other and well... I know how much we miss each other. I miss you all and really do hope that we could see each other soon. We can not go back to the past but still we can have a reunion and make another fantastic memory.
Exciting right?


kathi said...

it would be amazing if we did some kind of reunion some we planned already when we were cleaning the north wing 1st floor toilet together - do u remember eunyi??? : )

Saila said...

oh angel. You write such nice messages, great!
Nice picture too, never seen that before, can you imagine. I remember too that we couldn't find Rrrrenooo.. mi mi mi.
Yeah, babe, you have some soulcompanions suffering around the world ;)

Anonymous said...


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