Sunday, October 28, 2007

Blond guy from Taxas

There is a guy with blond hair from Texas.

Oh my goodness asian girls still having fantasy of Blond hair white skin and blue eyes. :)

You can imagine. :)

This guy is really cute though.

I was in the cafeteria and me and my friend sat behind him.

We looked each other and smiled. (If you know what this mean)

There are some guys from the States coming to our uni as an exchage student.

When I happen to walk across these fellows I feel strange and seem totally different from me.

I mean we look different right?

I can not believe it. After all thoes time with you. Blond brown curly hair blue green brown etc eyes white skin big eyes big nose ...

Maybe after all I am the asian girl with fantasy.

Maybe I can not hug you when I say goodbye like I did before.

I might not say 'bless you' or 'sorry'

I might not able to enjoy potato. (Don't know if I even liked it before :))

If we see each other after such a long time don't be offended I just need some time to rearrange my brain system. :)

I miss you.

especially today.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I like to move it move it

Do you remember this song?

I am doing a Sunday school these days and there is a boy name 'Ju hwan'
He is the nasty little boy. Nobody could actually control him.
One Sunday he ran to me and started to sing this song.
"Teacher Teacher, do you know this song? I like to move it move it~~~ "
Wow... I was amazed. And then he was telling me why we have to watch this movie after the semon for the whole day.
He still asks me if we could watch Madagasta after the sermon.
Funny right? :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


We roomates talked about the Unification with North Korea.
You may not understand but we don't really think about this topic as much as possibly others would think we would. Our Grandmothers and Grand fathers have families in North Korea but if that generation pass we don't really have a close relationship anymore such as related failies. In public they all say that they want unifiaction but in reality I can't really say they really want it. Some may don't want it and many of them may not even know if we need unification.
I am just thinking what will happen if we become one.
I can not imagine.
Some say it will happen soon. When Kim jung il dies? I don't know.
There are so many people over the world who thinks South Korea is not doing the best.
What will happen to us?
What do you think about it?

Friday, October 12, 2007

금요일 밤

하루 하루가 지나가고 바쁜 삶의 연속은 나를 지치게 하지만 이것이 유일한 대안이었다는 것을 다시 한번 확인 시켜주는 것이었다. 삶이 어려울 때는 빨리 흘러가는 것이 유일한 대안이라고 생각하고 싶지는 않았다. 그런데 원래 그런가보다. 이겨내지 못할 것만 같았던 힘든 시간도 지나가고 그렇게 또 다시 극복해 나아가는구나. 한 사람을 사랑한다는 것이 얼마나 어려운 것인지 알게 되었고 사랑은 결코 나를 쉽게 찾아 오지 않을 것이란것도 안다. 누군가가 그리워서 보고싶다는 말도 아끼게 된다. 나의 삶은 어디로 흘러가는 것일까? 금요일 밤은 언제나 이렇게 흘러가는구나. 이러지도 못하고 저러지도 못하는 내 자신을 보면서 안타깝기도 하지만 이젠 지쳤음을 인정한다. 사랑이란 무엇일까? 다음에 내 마음을 움직이는 사람에게는 사랑한다는 말을 하고 싶다. 내 입에서 떨어지지 않으려는 그 말을... 그 말을... 이제는 그만 내 입을 떠났으면...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Falling slowly - Once

I don`t know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can`t react
And games that never amount
To more than they`re meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We`ve still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You`ve made it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can`t go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I`m painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It`s time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We`ve still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You`ve made it now

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We`ve still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You`ve made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I`ll sing along

I'm back from the class and listening to this song which will save me through this tough week.
I haven't seen the movie yet but yes I will after the mid term exam.
Such a beautiful song.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Love Actually


Daniel : So what's the problem, Samuel? Is it just Mum or is it something else? Maybe... school - are you being bullied? Or is it something worse? Can you give me any clues at all?

Sam : You really want to know?

Daniel : I really want to know.

Sam : Even though you won't be able to do anything to help?

Daniel : Even if that's the case.

Sam : OK. The truth is actually... I'm in love.

Daniel : Sorry?

Sam : I know I should be thinking about Mum all the time, and I am. But the truth is I'm in love and I was before she died, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Daniel : Aren't you a bit young to be in love?

Sam : No.

Daniel : Oh, OK, right. Well, I'm a little relieved.

Sam : Why?
Daniel : Well, you know - I thought it might be something worse.

Sam : [incredulous] Worse than the total agony of being in love?

Daniel : Oh. No, you're right. Total agony.


My pens

All of my pens in the pencil case. I have one strage habbit there if you can find.
The one on the very right is what Ruth sent me for a birthday present.
It is strange how you make a theory out of it. You can make so many theories of your own.
Here's mine. :)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Good day

I had a good day today talking with my roommates.
Talk Talk Talk ... Love it!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reason to go to England again.

I really need a reason to go to England.
First it was becuase of my dad studying.
Second time it was being there as a voluntary helper.
This time I really need to do something more than just visiting friends.
I can not fly there just to stay for 2 days.
There are so many programmes about studying English for a short term but please I don't want to study English more. I have enough here already. I was thinking about maybe doing an internship but this is much more complicted than I thought. Besides there are not the perfect match of work I prefer to do. If someone has a good idea what I can do please let me know. I definately need some information.
If England is a island close to you I have one here as well. It's called 'Japan'. Oh yes it would be a tough choice for you to go to Japan. England is just like that for me so have pitty on this poor Korean girl.
Besides how can there possibly be Bulstrode reunited without Koreans. :)

Monday, October 01, 2007

I found really funny picture today

Guess what this picture is? :)