Sunday, October 28, 2007

Blond guy from Taxas

There is a guy with blond hair from Texas.

Oh my goodness asian girls still having fantasy of Blond hair white skin and blue eyes. :)

You can imagine. :)

This guy is really cute though.

I was in the cafeteria and me and my friend sat behind him.

We looked each other and smiled. (If you know what this mean)

There are some guys from the States coming to our uni as an exchage student.

When I happen to walk across these fellows I feel strange and seem totally different from me.

I mean we look different right?

I can not believe it. After all thoes time with you. Blond brown curly hair blue green brown etc eyes white skin big eyes big nose ...

Maybe after all I am the asian girl with fantasy.

Maybe I can not hug you when I say goodbye like I did before.

I might not say 'bless you' or 'sorry'

I might not able to enjoy potato. (Don't know if I even liked it before :))

If we see each other after such a long time don't be offended I just need some time to rearrange my brain system. :)

I miss you.

especially today.

1 comment:

Saila said...

It´s God´s little secret that He created us to be what we are. Different. That´s the richness of it all. Eun, I don´t mind if you don´t like potatoes. I propably won´t enjoy kimchi as much as you do. And all these other things too... it´s life. And life varies. Bless you, dear :)