Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reason to go to England again.

I really need a reason to go to England.
First it was becuase of my dad studying.
Second time it was being there as a voluntary helper.
This time I really need to do something more than just visiting friends.
I can not fly there just to stay for 2 days.
There are so many programmes about studying English for a short term but please I don't want to study English more. I have enough here already. I was thinking about maybe doing an internship but this is much more complicted than I thought. Besides there are not the perfect match of work I prefer to do. If someone has a good idea what I can do please let me know. I definately need some information.
If England is a island close to you I have one here as well. It's called 'Japan'. Oh yes it would be a tough choice for you to go to Japan. England is just like that for me so have pitty on this poor Korean girl.
Besides how can there possibly be Bulstrode reunited without Koreans. :)

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