Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Late in the night.

I can not sleep in the night so I have to stay awake until at least 2 A.M.
So I started to write something on the blog but instead I found a way to post a video from Youtube. So as an experiment I put up a song I am listening to a lot these days. Yes it is Korean song and hope you guys like it. :) I think I could introduce some more Korean songs I like or movies as well.
Actually since I am back from Korea I haven't listened to a lot of Korean music. I usually listed to the OST's of hollywood movies. But this song seemed nice and it's a fun song.

Anyway even though I can not sleep I think i should at least try to sleep. I shall count the sheep and cows in Elle grange field and hourses from Bulstrode. It will be challenging for me to find Ginger. Even though I think the real Ginger is already in France and well cooked and served I think there will still be hungry fake Ginger somewhere in the field. No worrys.


1 comment:

Saila said...

I see you´re really fond of Ginger :)