Monday, January 15, 2007

Pyung An Presbyterian church.

My friends in Church.
They are especially all the same age.
We have meetings with folks who was born in 1985.
Actaully in Korea we consider a lot who is the same age or not.
Who is older and who is younger.
March 1985 to Feburary 1986 would me the same age considered.
(becuase school start in March)
We have meeting every second month I guess.
Not all of them are in the picture because on girl is in China and another in the States.
And some didn't come.
The another girl is my best friend and she also lives with me.
We share same room together.

It's really cold here in Korea.

Korea in January.

1 comment:

Saila said...

Well hello!
Nice pics you have there again.
This week: skype meeting?
Today would be good for me, all the other evenings not (damn you, busy student life). But I will be going home for weekend, and there I will have our computer and the better skype, so maybe weekend?
Please let me know, babe :)
blessings tou your day today!