Thursday, January 11, 2007

My new year starts from now on.

I was quite out of control few weeks as I had lot if things to do.
That stupid team work which I think it was absolutely horrible.
So I made a real proper work by myself for the personal home work.
Thanks for the nice pictures and your opinion Markus. :)
And to Doro and Hans and Super Nancy! Oh and Jens.
I was able to get the good mark for this subject.
I strongly convinced the professor that he should look up on my personal work because obviously I could not say about the team work for it was done by group.
He actually first gave me 'B+' and I had to call him that he should consider more on my personal work.
So now I have 'A' which is great. :) not better than the last semester but I am content with it.
There are things you can change. If you are so confident. :) What a lesson!
(You would not know how hard it was because one of this stupid guy I repeat Stupid! always erased all my drawings on the paper. And definately he has no authority to do that. And he was not that creative in my opinion. I had an opinion and it was his choice not to listen to me.)

A battel indeed. :)
Especially this semester it was actually hard. Didn't get the most good out of it. But I tried hard.
I am actually getting used to my life here. I thank God for that.
The most thing I am worried is that I need more time to read the word of God.
Recently in the church the Pastor told us about the importance of reading bible.
Especially if you pray to God with the words He told it is definate that he will change the situation. Seek and pray.

The new year has begun.
Happy new year everybody.
Hope you all have the most wonderful time this year.

I love you all in Christ.


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