Saturday, December 08, 2007

Busy Semester

It has been a long semester. I have experienced a lot. Good and bad. This two weeks are really busy. I have lot of things to do. My computer got the virus and is making me nervous. Cause I do a lot of stuff with Computer. CAD, Illustrator, Phothoshop, Powerpoint etc. we have an exhibition with our work in the city hall of Pohang. I am doing a site planning. I am working on it and it seems never ending. My friends are sleeping and my computer is so slow. So I have two computers in front of me. One my friend's and my sick computer. Oh well.. it's 3 in the morning. I should get back to work. hmmmm... am I being strange? Yes I bet cause I also have 'computer information' 'urban strcture' 'statistics' and 'Understanding of christianity' classes to take test.

Life has been so busy. It's almost Christmas. Happy days ahead. Don't know what I am saying but it sure is a good break writing like this.

Thinking of the time with horses. Ginger my darling... :)

1 comment:

Saila said...

Hah, you always come back to these horses :) You really liked them, didn´t ya? Lots of strength to your days and happy holidays whenever they arrive!!