Sunday, September 02, 2007

Total Truth

I have just finished the first chapter and I have to tell you that this book is so amazing. I haven't finished yet but I am really looking forward to read the next chapter. When you read this it is good to focus on the structure and the direction which represents true nature(intrinsic) and exsistence each.
The main concept of this book is 'worldview'. Basically how we deal with our life with christian worldview. Most of us do not have the right concept of having a proper view or attitide of life in church and the life out of church. In the bottom line there shouldn't be two differnt side in our life. This book tells us from the very beginning of creation and how it is formed. And further more it will be looking at the direction, the path we have been through. Why and how has these two side concept came from. Then of course it will be discussing about how we can come over this problems.
I higly recommed you to read this book. It is very precise and logical. I personally think this book will defintely change my attitude of being christian.

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