Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am done with the planning

Yes I am going to Osaka. It's a city in Japan.

I have maps in front of me. Guide book and a notebook.
I was going to plan my trip.
But there are many kinds of plan.
My plan is to go to the international airport get in the plane and get off the plane and check in the hotel.
Well actually I have read the guidebook once so I know where I want to go.
The problem is that I don't know actually how to get there.
There is a tinny winny problem. Japanese can not actually speak English... well worse than Korean.
Well suppose not all but that is what I heard from many people.

There is another things... I don't want to plan anymore!
Hmmm I should think of using international language. Body language!

Well... I'll just take few maps and a guide book.
Anyway I am not a person who loves siteseeing.
Just need to feel totally lost. Oh yeah... :)

So I am off on Tuesdays and I'll be there for 3 days.
I will come up with some pictures and a funny stoty.

Take care

Wattashiwa Kangkokoojindes : I am korean.
Eikode onegaishimas : In English please.
Toyirewa dokodeska : Where is the toilet?

Man... Toilet is important. Ha Ha Ha