Thursday, November 15, 2007


No offense. This is just so hilarious :)
What are you sinking about. Hey please think! :) ha ha ha

Monday, November 12, 2007

Lost but found.

I lost my file with maps and class materials and 2giga USB and a delayed book all in the library. :) Which basically was my fault leaving them alone.
I found everything I also gave back the delayed book.
Today I have a report to finnish and I have to draw a parking lot with CAD.
MY MY goodness I really don't want to do this but to go to the beach and feel the moon light and to walk along the shore.
I applied for a English camp staff to work during the vacation. 3 Weeks and I can afford to buy a ticket to go to England. Yay! Only if I pass the interview.
I was also paid for the work I am doing in a group. It is to work and study an issue about "City Brand" and how it effects the economy of the city. Our job is to find out how we can apply it to our city. This money I can use as a additional money to go here and there.
Hmmm seems like it will work out.
We will see how it works out.
Markus Thanks for the offer but I think I won't be able to stay long. I will have to come back before the next semester starts. But really thanks. :)
I shall find out more.
Infact I am now starting to search for my sext step.
I have almost decided that I will study more.
So next is that I shall have to see what I want to study more specifically.
Then I have to choose a graduate school.
Maybe here in Korea or England or the States. Not quite sure but if there are good courses in other country I will think about it as well. There could be a dramatic news where Eun is starting to learn Finnish or French or German or Italian who knows :) world is big and there are so many things to do. :)
So anyway I hope this vacation will tell me something to decide my mind. :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Eun didn't ate lunch today

Top: Whale Festival in the beach. A festival of wishing that the wahles would come back to this town. By the way where did all the whales go? Or who caught all the whales? Flo must be really angry about this right? :) I just hoped nobody would asked for whale meat in the festival.
Middle: Sunday school kids. Outside there were leaves falling and nice cool weather so we went out. But I had to look after them that they don't jump to the road where the cars pass by. I was half dead when I came back to dorm. Of course I slept.
Bottom: Jeonju. This is how Korea looks like in the autum. :) The shadow is me.
P.S. by the way what's the coonection between the title and the context? :)