Saturday, June 30, 2007


It was a fantastic vacation in Jeju Island.
We are becoming senior next year so we took a trip to make some nice memories.
Oh for some people who can not find me I'm exactly in the middle. :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007


I am so happy at the moment.I must say that I finally feel free to do what I want to do.Well I still have to go back to Uni and start the extra class.It's called "English reading&Discussion."Hmmm I'm not taking it because I want to but it's one of the class I must do to graduate. :)I'll be writing whole lots of essays.Shouldn't be so hard.So I came back home for the weekend and surprise! My grandma was at home.She fell down and made a big damage on her shoulder (I don't know how).My parents are away for some kind of church thing with the elders. :) (Mum didn't wanted to go actually :))So here I am with my Grandma.I thought she was a bit bored so I showed her the pictures from England.Oh you know what? my grandma visited Bulstrode as well.(Funny right?) Well... I have lots to tell.I can tell you that last night I downloaded American soap opera.Almost the whole series.I was laying down on the bed and watched until the sun rose.Wow... and if I can do this one more time I think I can finish the whole series. :)So eventually I slept about two hours and woke up because of the phone.This phones always wake me up.So then I made a breakfast for my grandma and ate together. (it was quite nice)And guess what I continued the Stupid soap opera :) but this time I fell asleep.After few hours my grandma wanted to buy me Pizza.So we went out to downtown and was going to order but I realized that I have huge boxes soon be arriving. Becuase I had to pay the bill I had to come back.So we decided to take out.I came back home and unloaded my huge amount of boxes.Just finished and now I am listening to Josh Groban's song.Writing what I have done this weekend and thinking of you guys.So that was one long letter. :)Take care and God bless you.P.S. My grandma thinks Renaud is really handsome :) ha ha haOh yes and if you can guess the Soap opera I watched I will send you a surprise gift. :)Hint: It's American one. Guys read my mind. :)